Burning Ones DTS
You were born to burn. You were created to live a life fueled by passionate love for Jesus. You’re destined to shape history.
The Burning Ones DTS (Discipleship Training School) offers three months of training followed by a two-month overseas outreach. Join us as we learn to live in His presence, extend His Kingdom and release His miraculous power across the nations.
- Do you desire intimacy with God?
- Do you long to hear His voice?
- Do you want to make an impact on your world?
- Are you eager to know the destiny God has for your life?
If your answer to any of the questions is ‘yes’,
then the Discipleship Training School (DTS) is for you. The five-month Burning Ones DTS will help you develop a dynamic love relationship with Jesus, and increase your desire to obey Christ’s last command, “Go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matt. 28:19).
DTS emphasizes heart transformation and personal development, not the accumulation of knowledge. It’s a journey to discover the heart of God, learn His ways, and actually walk in His power and love.
DTS is an intense, seven-day-a-week, spiritual ‘boot camp’ designed to equip you to be a change-agent in your world! DTS is the prerequisite for long-term participation in Youth With A Mission. The Burning Ones DTS includes an emphasis on revival, signs and wonders, and the contending house of prayer. A changed life can change the world!
Father Heart of God, Hearing God’s Voice, Spiritual Warfare, Relationships, Destiny, Intimacy with God, Holy Spirit, Evangelism, Prophetic Art, Strategic Missions, Worship and Intercession, and much more!!!
Following the lecture phase, students and staff head overseas for a 2-month missions practicum. The outreach phase is a cross-cultural adventure in which you’ll encounter the needs of the world and respond with the love and power of God.
During the New Wine Tasting Tour the whole school hits the road for a week or more to see and experience what God is doing in revival hot-spots and “new wine skin” ministry models throughout our region.
Our upcoming Burning Ones DTS will include an emphasis on frontier missions, with a focus on the needs and opportunities for reaching the Muslim world. The DTS leader and staff have field experience and a long-term commitment to proclaiming and demonstrating the love and power of Jesus among the Muslims of Central Asia. In addition to all of the life-changing DTS curriculum, students will also learn to appreciate Muslim cultures, to build loving relationships with Muslims, and to communicate their faith in compelling and effective ways. On outreach, staff and students will participate in a successful long-term work among Muslims in Central Asia.